Microgen Power Boiler

Isotex has developed the modular Ecobloc MicroGen watertube boiler to cater for the growing demand for a small, medium-pressure power boiler particularly suited to biomass/husk fuel and coal-fired, cogeneration applications. The boiler has been designed for a steam output of between 6 and 20 t/h dependent upon fuel type. Higher outputs can be achieved with multiple boilers. In order to match popular steam turbine selections that can achieve good cycle efficiencies at reasonable cost, the boiler can produce steam at pressures between 32 and 44 bar with superheat upto 440 degree C. The design incorporates a single-drum configuration with a membrane-wall furnace construction. The boiler is configured to facilitate manufacture of the pressure-parts in large subassemblies which can be containerised for transportation. smaller units are supplied in complete modular package construction. The boiler will be supplied with a heat recovery tower which includes a unique tubular air-heater and an extended-surface economiser. Flue-gas clean-up equipment is supplied to suit the site and/or customer specific requirements.

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